The Attachment Network of Manitoba, a multi-disciplinary group of volunteers, was founded over a decade ago with the goal of promoting awareness of the importance of attachment.  In that short time, the network has made a tremendous contribution to building the capacity of professionals in our Province to work with children and families from an attachment perspective.  This is important in light of the fact that research has suggested that children without secure attachment are far more likely to grow up to experience poor outcomes in almost every area of life.  In fact, children with disorganized patterns of attachment grow up to be over-represented in our prison populations, in mental health systems, in child welfare, and in addictions.

In the past decade, the Attachment Network of Manitoba has brought to Winnipeg world-renowned experts in the field of attachment to educate therapists, social workers, teachers, psychologists and other professionals.  While the network has always included the education and support of parents in our initiatives as well, we have recently increased our efforts in this area, in the hope of bringing awareness of attachment into the home, and to the community at large.  We know that as we take the positive message of attachment to parents, we will be making a difference for the children of this province that will ripple far into the future.