From time to time the Attachment Network is made aware of pertinent issues in our community that relate to our mission and vision. When we feel strongly about supporting one of these causes, we will post information in this section for our readers’ consideration.

Health Buddies Initiative

One of the foundations of our Network has always been the understanding that attachment is important “across the lifespan”. With this in mind we are currently highlighting issues around the importance of understanding attachment with respect to adults, employers and even society itself. (If you’re interested, please check out our blog.) We came across the Health Buddies initiative, which is a project involving local activist and friend of the Attachment Network Michael Redhead Champagne, and feel that it is in keeping with this focus. The idea of having someone who can “be with” you, as you navigate our sometimes daunting medical system, is a beautiful example of addressing attachment needs “across the lifespan”. The Attachment Network of Manitoba is proud to showcase this initiative. Please check out the following links for more information.


Free Range Parenting

Children need opportunities to gain independence

Re: Protecting kids can mean awkward questions (Nov. 3)

Dan Lett’s article misses the point that Katharina Nuss is making. As her petition “Bring Free Range Parenting Law to Manitoba” on highlights, Nuss is not taking issue with being visited or questioned by CFS. She is taking issue with being told that there are no circumstances under which a child under the age of 12 can be left unsupervised. This is not about CFS, it is about the laws that we ask CFS to enforce. Nuss’s response to her experience has opened up conversations that need to happen in our community.

I am a parent of young children, and a professional who promotes healthy parent-child attachment relationships. I agree with Nuss’s petition. Healthy attachment relationships include compassionately holding our children close for protection, comfort and help to organize their feelings, balanced with opportunities for children to explore their independence and competence. The key lies in paying attention to their cues of readiness, and to the safety of the setting. Children thrive when they are offered opportunities to explore their community when their developmental level and the safety of the setting permits. Their social-emotional skills suffer when these opportunities are lacking.

Our communities and our politicians need to pay attention to what today’s parents are saying: we want nothing more than to do everything we can to keep our children safe and to protect our children’s best interests … and that includes having laws that support us being able to offer our children opportunities to slowly gain independence.

Tanya Hoover, MSW, RSW

Certified Child Psychotherapist and Play Therapist

Corporal Punishment

New Directions is petitioning the government to repeal section 43 of the criminal code which condones corporal punishment.  The deadline to get the required number of signatures (500) is Feb 1st, 2019.  We are only at 165.

Please take action now and click on the link below to sign the petition. Please share this with your networks and encourage them to sign as well.

A Call to Action on Behalf of Maltreated Infants, Toddlers and Preschoolers in Canada

“In this document you will find rich evidence-based information about the unique vulnerability of maltreated infants. You will also find interesting policy recommendations which are informed by strong scientific evidence. We at IMHP hope that you will be inspired by what you read and embrace the powerful role that you can play in the lives of these especially vulnerable young children. With the demanding tasks and pressures related to your work it is easy to forget how potent your influence can be. You may be the very buffer these infants need against some of the negative forces in their world. You may be the only person who sees the adversity and works to address the impact it has on their development and mental health.

Every child that you work with is an opportunity to change precious lives today, and bring hope for a better future. We hope this Call to Action will be a valuable new tool for you as you advocate on behalf of young children.”